Monday, June 29, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009
A little something to put in your back pocket....
"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with." - Michael Jackson
Friday, June 19, 2009
10 Things I will NEVER try
10. Skydiving: me and heights do not mix. Fast drops in pressure hurt my ears, actually. I once went on Motezuma's revenge at stateline and thought my head was going to explode! :(
9. Eat Beets: It's true. Beets are the world's most disgusting food.
8. Cybersex: awwwwkwaaarddddd.
7. Give up Sugar: My greatest addiction in life. I can eat sweets like it is my J-O-B.
6. Give up Gossip: Everyone talks about everyone...deal with it. On a related note: I will give up perezhilton.com- that guy is on my list right now.
5. Eat ANYTHING on: www.thisiswhyyourefat.com (Self explanatory)
4. See a scary movie in 3D: Final Destination 45 in 3D...I TOTALLY don't think so. As if scary movies weren't torture enough...now shit is gonna fly at my face. No gracias. Nothing is fun about being scared out of your mind! And the nightmares that follow- soooo not fun.
3. Long Distance: Yeah, I did it. For FOUR years. I'm not saying it wasn't worth it- it was. There were some really good times but overall there was a lot of frustration and compromise.
2. Twitter: It's creepy. No one needs to anyone's every minute activities. People are so obsessed with themselves that they think others want to hear every tiny life detail...pulease. Yeah ok, a little harsh...sorry if you're on twitter (but who am I kidding- no one reads this!)
1. Sex Tape: ALWAYS A BAD IDEA. It'll get out, you'll get hurt and ruined. Not a good idea. Leave the taping to the professionals folks, grab a mirror and enjoy the present!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Make new friends, but keep the old...
Now that the insanity of my first year of law school has finally subsided I have had more and more time to get back to the friends I have regrettably forgotten about over the past 9 months.
This weekend I had the pleasure of hanging out with some friends from college and then some friends from grade school (crazy that these people still tolerate me after over 10 years). Even though the weekend was full of some insanely fun, drunken times, I got to thinking...
Friendship is one of the most dynamic things. I feel like every friendship I have is either a chapter, a paragraph or even a small blurb or short sentence in the book of my life journey. My friendship with one person can be completely distinct from another, whether it is that it highlights a different part of my personality or has gotten me through some good times, bad times, or just simply indifferent times.
Take for example my friends from grade school. They knew me during on tumultuous time of my life. They sat by me as I learned of the heartache of betrayal and were there when I had to leave one comfort zone and enter into a new place in life altogether. Then, there are my college friends who have always made me feel like my truest self. There is nothing I can do that will shock them. My law school friends are the only ones that can possibly share in the experiences I have had in the last year. It is crazy how quickly people can get so close to one another when thrown into a highly stressful position.
And all the while, all of my friends have shown me love. Each of them highlights a different part of my personality and maybe there are some in my history that these friends do not highlight my greatest attributes and strengths, but instead accentuate my weaknesses. They have seen my at my best and stood by my side and they have seen me at my worst and some have stuck around--others have moved on. And for each experience I am probably a better person--good or bad.
Isn't friendship great?
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Love and Music
So, I have the weirdest most expansive music taste ever. But one this is for sure and that is that I am a sucker for a good love song.
I love love. Love comes in so many forms and evokes so many different kinds of emotions. Love can be happy. Love can be angry, sad, remorseful. It can be passionate and it can be resigned. Everyone deserves it and I think everyone is required to share it.
This just needs to be shared... Enjoy!
I love love. Love comes in so many forms and evokes so many different kinds of emotions. Love can be happy. Love can be angry, sad, remorseful. It can be passionate and it can be resigned. Everyone deserves it and I think everyone is required to share it.
This just needs to be shared... Enjoy!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Getting Started
Wow...here we go!!! So many people I know have started blogs. I was never sure if I would ever have anything too exciting to contribute to the supersociety that it is the millions of people blogging all over the planet but there's never any hurt in trying. Even if I bore you all to tears I've always found that I get a kick out of myself so no matter what it's a win for me!
So here's the plan folks: I am going to write what I want. Shocking, my name is Maelesa and I DO WHAT I WANT! :) There will be quotes, posts, pictures...my blog, my rules.
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