Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Check this out!

Congrats to Linfield Christian High School!
My dear old Alma Mater made CIF Championships!!! Best of Luck.

Go Lions...RAWR.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's been awhile..


Since law school has officially taken over my life I haven't been writing much!

Today I am brushing up on some last minute things before I leave for home!!! Can't wait to see my family-- especially my sister who sadly leaves tomorrow before the Thanksgiving festivities begin.

OK, not a Turkey. But it is the first chicken I proudly roasted myself!!!

Random, but one reason I love LA:


Now I know I consistently claim that diversity is not my thing- but that isn't quite accurate. While diversity aimed MEASURES are not my thing-because forcing diversity is stupid- I love diverse people!

For instance: yesterday on the elevator I was with a woman, probably late 20's and she barely spoke a lick of English. I tried making some small talk, she misconstrued my words. But as I left the elevator, she said, "Happy Turkey Day." Cute, right?

Anyways, hope your Thanksgiving is full of love, happiness and most importantly good food and good company!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Is it odd

that I:

* can eat sugary sweets and nothing else- "too rich" just does not fit into my vocabulary...
* that i love taking showers but hate washing my hair...
* that i have two blogs for my split personalities...
* that i am really loud but often hate being the center of attenion...
* that i set my alarm for times that make mathematical sense (7:07 as in 7 + 7 =0)
* that i feel uncomfortable when i'm not doing anything productive...
* that i can't study effectively after dark...
* that i have never changed my screenname from the 7th grade...
* that my room is always a mess but i can't stand a dirty kitchen/bathroom...
* and for that matter that doing dishes makes me gag...
* that despite everything...i still think im completely normal!

Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Don't care how, I want it now!!!

Things I really want:

1. It is Halloween- time to carve pumpkins!!!!

I have already decided on my costumes! One day I will be a girl scout (a law school appropriate costume of course!) and then the next a witch (did I mention I'm going to a rave?)

2. To get in shape! I went to the gym for the first time in months and almost died.

Let's get Physical!!!

3. To go on a vacation! I am really missing my family these days! Especially my sister who is far, far away in ATX!

Miss you Meow!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rules Long Forgotten...Table Manners!

So, I wouldn't say that I am always Miss Prim and Proper but at the same time, I believe that good manners go a very long way. Nothing is a bigger turn off than poor etiquette. If I can't handle your table manners, surely, I will be mortified to take you anywhere.

Here are some of the biggies:


1. Napkins: The rule of thumb is that if you are in a restaurant, your napkin goes on you lap. And when you excuse yourself you put your napkin on the seat of your chair. That's where most people fail, but think about it--do you REALLY want someone's dirty napkin all to close to your meal...YUCK.

2. Knives: USE THEM. It is rude to stuff any food item into your mouth. Where it is your meat or an oversized piece of lettuce it's always best, and much less awkward, when you trim things down to bite sized portions.
Funny Story:
My high school boyfriend almost choked on his steak when he didn't cut it enough.
Worst Part: He almost died at my mom's birthday dinner, just a month into dating me! Awkward.

3. Gentlemen: On a date, please pay the bill...chivalry is not dead!

4. Buttering your Bread: Technically you should take butter from the dish and put it on the side of the plate, the tear bite sized pieces and butter them.
You may eat less bread, because following this rule makes eating a pain in the butt.

5. When you are finished, place both your fork and knife at the right side of your plate at an angle...this signals that you are no longer eating!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I love weddings! I love bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses. I love flowers and free flowing wine. I love that weddings are a celebration of my most favorite-est things: love.

But, this wedding was a little different for me...

You see, this was my first wedding with a date! Lucky me got invited to a wedding with a special someone.

Weddings stir up some funny romantical emotions. As you sit there and see those two people declare their promises of undying love, you can't help but feel the heartstrings pull. STILL, I am so far from thinking marriage! I've got tons and tons on my plate and TONS I want to do before I jump down that road (or aisle...teehee).

So, what was so surprising for me was to have all of these people coming up to me for the sole purpose of staring at that little finger on my left hand.

"When is it your turn?"

"Where's your ring?"

"Ooooh...bouquet toss, get on out there!"

REALLY PEOPLE?! I mean, not only is it a little rude to point out your apparent disappointment with my tax bracket single status...but it's also a little presumptuous.

I'm freaking 23 years old! I mean, how old are you? We live in a new millennium....didya hear?

Sigh...I should be kinder. What I mean to say is that I love a good wedding. And one day I will love my own.... Until then, how fortunate am I to celebrate the love of others? :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Renewing Perspectives

Would you like you if you met you?

I stumbled across this quote on one of my favorite blogs today. For the first time in a long time it struck me: would I?

How often do each of us take stock of out lives? Sometimes I don’t think I do enough of it. I can be selfish, petty, mean. Then that Catholic guilt kicks me in the ass and I re-evaluate.

Today is one of those days.

Time to stay present. Time to pick my battles and concede or compromise when possible. Life is just too damn short to be anything but pleasant and enjoy the ride…