Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's been awhile..


Since law school has officially taken over my life I haven't been writing much!

Today I am brushing up on some last minute things before I leave for home!!! Can't wait to see my family-- especially my sister who sadly leaves tomorrow before the Thanksgiving festivities begin.

OK, not a Turkey. But it is the first chicken I proudly roasted myself!!!

Random, but one reason I love LA:


Now I know I consistently claim that diversity is not my thing- but that isn't quite accurate. While diversity aimed MEASURES are not my thing-because forcing diversity is stupid- I love diverse people!

For instance: yesterday on the elevator I was with a woman, probably late 20's and she barely spoke a lick of English. I tried making some small talk, she misconstrued my words. But as I left the elevator, she said, "Happy Turkey Day." Cute, right?

Anyways, hope your Thanksgiving is full of love, happiness and most importantly good food and good company!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Is it odd

that I:

* can eat sugary sweets and nothing else- "too rich" just does not fit into my vocabulary...
* that i love taking showers but hate washing my hair...
* that i have two blogs for my split personalities...
* that i am really loud but often hate being the center of attenion...
* that i set my alarm for times that make mathematical sense (7:07 as in 7 + 7 =0)
* that i feel uncomfortable when i'm not doing anything productive...
* that i can't study effectively after dark...
* that i have never changed my screenname from the 7th grade...
* that my room is always a mess but i can't stand a dirty kitchen/bathroom...
* and for that matter that doing dishes makes me gag...
* that despite everything...i still think im completely normal!

Happy Tuesday!